Frequently Asked Questions

Can I speak to the panel?

The panel is open to speaking to anyone with relevant insights to the Inquiry. This could include athletes, coaches and staff involved in the Cycling NZ programme, those from other sport programmes or disciplines as well as coaches, parents, mentors, confidants and whanau. If you have relevant insights, please contact us.

I have an NDA with my organisation. Can I still speak to the panel?

Like other sports, cycling athletes sometimes contest decisions made about their place in development or high-performance programmes. Where this results in a written settlement, a confidentiality clause is typically included as the terms are personal to both parties. Athletes who are elected to Cycling New Zealand committees also agree in writing to respect the confidentiality of any information they might see as part of that work.

In respect of any such clauses and agreements, Cycling NZ has notified athletes and unequivocally stated to the panel that such clauses and agreements do not prevent any current or past athletes from speaking or submitting to the Inquiry on any matter covered by the ToR.

I don’t want to speak to the panel, but I do want to contribute. What are my options?

Thank you for participating in the Inquiry.  If you do not want to have an interview, you can still contribute by completing our survey here, or by making a submission in writing.  Written material can be submitted via our Contact Us page, or by email to Charlotte at

If you would like to participate by some other method not listed here, please let us know and we will do our best to facilitate.

Is the survey anonymous?

Yes, the survey is anonymous. If you wish, you can provide your name and contact details at the end of the survey (if you want us to contact you), but this is not required. Access the survey here.

Can I choose who I speak to?

The panel is made up of a range of members with expertise across various areas of sport to ensure those taking part in the review feel comfortable participating. Interviews will generally involve the participant and 1-2 interviewers. If you’d like to speak to a particular panel member, please let us know and we will do our best to facilitate this dependent on any COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Do I have to speak to the panel in person?

You can speak to the panel in whichever way and format makes you most comfortable. The panel will conduct interviews in person where possible and/or using Microsoft Teams. Interviews will be transcribed using automatic transcription technology and we can send you a copy of the transcript if you wish. Transcripts will not be provided to Cycling NZ or HPSNZ. Interviews will be recorded with the consent of the interviewee.

Can I have a support person in my interview?

Yes. You are welcome to bring a support person to the interview with you.

If I speak to the panel, will I be quoted or referred to in the panel’s report?

No. The report will be anonymised and will not refer to individuals by name unless required for clarity or out of fairness to others. We do not expect to need to refer to any individuals by name and anyone whose identity may need to be revealed for reasons of fairness will be consulted in advance.

What will the panel do with information and anything I say in my interview?

The panel will hold all information it receives from participants in confidence. The information will be shared with the panel’s legal advisor (Charlotte Agnew-Harington).

I am not a cyclist, but I am an athlete. Can I get involved with the Inquiry?

Yes. The panel needs to ensure that all participants have insights that are relevant to the Inquiry and is keen to hear from anyone that might have relevant input. If you would like to get involved, please contact us.

This whole process is really upsetting. What support is available?

We understand that this process, as well as Olivia’s death, may be distressing. More information on accessing support services can be found here.

What will the end product of this Inquiry be? When will findings be released?

At the end of the Inquiry, the panel will produce a report of its findings and recommendations. Both organisations will seek to include athletes, coaches and support staff in the process of considering how the recommendations can best be addressed. There is no definite date at this stage, but you can follow the Inquiry’s progress here.

What is the process for the Inquiry?

The Inquiry process is set out in detail here. The Inquiry will follow natural justice principles, which means that:

  • All conclusions will be based on the information and evidence before the panel;
  • The Inquiry will follow a process based on fairness that ensures it receives information from all sides;
  • Anyone that might be adversely effected by the panel’s findings will be given a chance to know and respond to those findings before they are finalised.
If you have a question not covered above, please get in touch with us.